Alien-Built Robotic Satellite?

A recent report by Ian O'Neill, Discovery News, posted at, looks at the scientific explanations that may explain what appears to be a massive object orbiting a star named named KIC 8462852. Scientists have noticed that "Over the duration of the Kepler mission, KIC 8462852 was observed to undergo irregularly shaped, aperiodic dips in flux down to below the 20 percent level." After seeming to exhaust natural explanations, the last hypothesis to be considered in such matters, and which has not been disproved, is that the massive object or objects periodically obstructing view of the star are examples of alien-made artificial technology, i.e., robotics. We will leave it to the reader to pass judgment on this theory, but we can say the investigation is both deep and provocative. Image credit for Kepler Observatory: NASA Ames.JPL-Caltech.T Pyle More