Full Scale AG Drones Playing a Growing Role on AG Aviation’s 100th Anniversary
Submitted by tatwood on Tue, 02/15/2022 - 13:16

On Aug. 3, 1921, Lt. John Macready, who would soon become the head of U.S. Army flight testing, released 175 pounds of lead arsenate from a Curtiss JN-6 “Super Jenny” over a stand of catalpa trees infested with sphinx moth larvae. The experimental treatment killed the infestation. Today, AG planes treat 127 million U.S. acres annually. The PV35X or its larger PV40X sibling now flying as drones have terrain-following and obstacle-avoidance capabilities and return automatically and land if batteries run low or controller telemetry is lost. Read details on Aviationweek.com. Photo courtesy of the National Agricultural Aviation Association.