PIBOT, the Humanoid Robot Pilot

PIBOT, developed in Korea, is the world’s first humanoid robot pilot. It can sit in the pilot’s seat and flip switches in the cockpit, and knows flight charts and emergency protocols. PIBOT remembers Jeppesen aeronautical navigation charts from all over the world and can access CHATgpt. PIBOT knows the Quick Reference Handbook, which contains all the procedures for loss of electrical power or system malfunctions. Researchers claim PIBOT not only can substitute for a human pilot but also respond to situations faster than human pilots. PIBOT’s taxiing, takeoff, cruising, cycling and landing abilities have so far only been tested using a flight simulator, but the researchers plan in due course to put the robot to the test in a real-life light aircraft. PIBOT may have many other applications. “We expect them to be applied into various other vehicles like cars and military trucks since they can control a wide range of equipment,” Shim said. “They will … be particularly helpful in situations where military resources are severely depleted.” The robot is expected to be completed by 2026. Watch a video, here.
PIBOT research is supported by Future Challenge Funding (total: 5.7 bn KRW) from the Agency for Defense Development. The project began in 2022 as a joint research project by Prof. David Hyunchul Shim (chief of research) from the KAIST School of Electrical Engineering (EE), Prof. Jaegul Choo from the Kim Jaechul Graduate School of AI at KAIST, Prof. Kuk-Jin Yoon from the KAIST Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Prof. Min Jun Kim from the KAIST School of EE. Researchers are considering commercialization strategies. For more information, see Newatlas.com and Kaist.ac.kr.