Pitsco Launches Virtual Robotics Simulation Software for STEM Education

Pitsco Education has announced the TETRIX Virtual Robotics (VR) simulation software, a new digital/physical robotics experience that enables students to code a virtual TETRIX robot using Arduino C libraries. When used with the TETRIX MAX robotics building system, the VR software gives students the option to code virtually, and then test their code on a real robot. The company said the simulation software, powered by Robotify, and TETRIX hardware can be used separately, or in combination, giving learners the ability to function like real-world engineers, creating and operating digital and physical solutions.
The platform includes 15 real-world activities, which includes a series of progressive tasks that concludes with an open-ended challenge. For example:
-Activities 1-5 has assistive robots to digitally introduce the controller, motors and sensors.
-Activity 6 has students build a physical TETRIX robot.
-Activities 7-11 has students using domestic robots to develop systems thinking.
-Activities 11-15 has students focusing on safety and security robots, having them use sensors to explore advanced programming.
Pitsco said the 15 activities include about 22.5 hours of content, equally split between digital and physical activities. Each activity includes step-by-step coding instructions, and also delivers real-time feedback. “No coding experience is required as we provide complete step-by-step instructions,” said Aaron Lock, the Pitsco curriculum specialist who authored the activities. “We explain not only what to code but also how to code – debugging, writing clean code, all the best practices of coding.” The digital-only learning experience that features just the online simulation tool is available for Chromebook, Windows, Macintosh, iPad OS and Android tablets. For details, please visit Pitsco. Our thanks to Keith Shaw of Robotics-Data.com for his assistance with this update.