Russia Unveils Upgraded S-70 Okhotnik (Hunter) Drone with Enhanced Stealth

Russia’s Sukhoi S-70 Okhotnik (Hunter) drone was recently unveiled at the Novosibirsk Aviation Enterprise during a visit by Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexey Krivoruchko. The United Aircraft Corporation, a Rostec State Corporation, unveiled the S-70 ‘Okhotnik’ drone equipped with a flat jet nozzle to increase its stealth capability, Rostec reported. The drone has a take-off weight of 20 tons and can reach speeds of around 1,000 km/h. The drone uses the Russian made- Al-41F1 engine, which is also used on the Su-57 and the Checkmate aircraft, reportedly giving it a range of up to 6,000 kilometers. Deliveries to Russian armed forces are expected to begin in 2024. Rostec is a Russian state-owned holding conglomerate headquartered in Moscow that specializes in investing in strategically important companies in the defense and related high-tech industries. For details, see reports by the Moscow Times and Photos courtesy of, Moscow Times, Rostec and via Google Images.
Thanks to CDR David Place (USN/Ret), davidplace47[at]gmail[dot]com, and Robin E. Alexander, President ATC, alexander technical[at]gmail[dot]com, for their assistance with this report, the background for which appeared in their # 21 - 30 - 18 DECEMBER 2021 edition of the UNMANNED SYSTEMS NEWS (USN).
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