USC Viterbi School of Engineering K-12 STEM Center

For more than 125 years, the University of Southern California has been an institution in the city of Los Angeles, California. This snapshot highlights USC STEM K-12 initiatives. See more national STEM program highlights from schools across the nation on the NREF curricula pages.
“The USC Viterbi School of Engineering K-12 STEM Center is committed to providing equitable, culturally responsive opportunities for youth, families, and schools. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are core values that guide us in our work to actively address systemic inequities in STEM Education and provide programs that build personally relevant knowledge and skills, self-efficacy, and leadership within a community of learning and practice. For 40 years, USC Viterbi School of Engineering has collaborated with K-12 schools, teachers, and students to strengthen STEM pathways that broaden college and career options. Our programs and research-based interventions offer project-based experiences that support the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards and serve the nation’s urgent need for a STEM-ready workforce.” Goals:
-Provide high impact programs locally, regionally, nationally and globally
-Improve the diversity of STEM fields through targeted outreach to underrepresented minority groups and girls
-Facilitate K-12 STEM education networks and research
-Share the broader impacts of USC Viterbi’s faculty research”