
This section includes links to curricula developed by a variety of leading organizations offering STEM-based robotics lesson programs. We would be pleased to include pointers to additional curricula on this page. Please contact us at to include links to your lesson programs.

STEM Education is the key to the future success of our students, engineering professionals and our economy, and therefore to our national future in an ever-more technically competitive world. Many of these pioneering companies have created not just curricula, but also products and competition programs that boost STEM education.











Autodesk is a leading 3D CAD program for designing objects that can be printed out using 3D printers or milled using CNC devices. It has been integrated with VEX Robotics Curricula and is extensively used by students and designers.

c-Link Systems

c-Link Systems provides robust semester-long curricula and lesson programs, as well as a 3-year STEM learning outline for sophomore through senior high school students with serious ambitions to become engineers or designers.

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Robotics Academy

The CMU Robotics Academy is a giant in education and its RobotC programming environment is used by many thousands of students and educators in the U.S. and worldwide. Check out its extensive curricula offerings.

FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)

FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), launched by American inventor and education innovator Dean Kamen, is a giant program in robotics education. It's daughter programs, FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) and its sister, the FIRST Technical Challenge, support national and international events. Local, regional, national and international FRC and FTC competitions have brought tens of thousands of students up the robotics learning curve.

FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) Curriculum

The FTC is a smaller scale robotics education and competition program that is more affordable, and owing to the smaller size of the robots, somewhat more accessible, than the programs and competitions in full blown FIRST robotics. FTC offers invaluable STEM learning potential that has recommended it to uncounted thousands of students, educators and schools.


intelitek has a strong reputation for excellent curricula that embrace not just STEM learning but also experiential training in the full product development and production cycle, from 3D CAD design and development to 3D printing, testing and iterative testing and finilizing of developed product. It's programs are widely used internationally as well as in the U.S.

LEGO Education

LEGO is a longstanding powerhouse in education that has built preeminent STEM programs in schools worldwide; LEGO robotics products includes the NXT and EV3 robot families that come with sensors, programmable microcontrollers, and countless optional modules and accessories. LEGO robot products are available for students of all ages.

MastersinAI serves as a degree hub for programs in artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, and related fields. It provides a comprehensive directory of degree programs and the details of how these programs work - structure, curriculum, admissions, and more. Visit to learn more about the world of AI education!


The Foundations curriculum by MINDS-I spans math, physics and basic STEM subjects. Their Drones curriculum covers not just the MINDS-I ground rover applications but also the Physics of Flight, of keen interest to multirotor and drone pilots. The MINDS-I rover, in addition to being an education platform first introduced in schools in the Seattle area, has become a popular RoboMagellan competitor. Whether your interest is ground rovers or aerial drones, these curricula are robust and very well designed.

NASA Robotics Curriculum Clearinghouse

NASA/JPL has taken a leading role in organizing robotics based curricula for our students and educators--and for any citizen with a genuine interest in locating what is available for learning about robotics. The curricula indexed on this page are extensive and are directed at all age levels from K12 through higher education.


Parallax, founded by Ken Gracey, brought the pioneering Boe-Bot to market years ago, and this brilliantly-led company has inspired countless hobbyists, students of all ages and STEM educators. The company has produced spin-off descendant robot kits, as well as new microprocessors for hobby, educational and industrial use. Its products are used nationally and globally.


PITSCO Education provides comprehensive, robust and detailed STEM curricula and includes a professional development program among their offerings. Their web pages offer an impressive selection of robot products and accessories, many designed for specific challenges. Competing in the World Robot Olympiad university bowling game? PITSCO offers a TETRIX robot set designed for that event. This site is a must-see if you are an educator surveying what is available for your classroom.


The RoboGuts STEAM education program is an entry level robotics education system for youngsters in the 5 to 10-year-old range and hobbyists of any age. Starting with a low-cost RoboGuts circuit board, this system enables anybody to learn about electronic components, structured programing and assembly of a working robot from parts printed on a 3D printer. The RoboGuts STEAM Education Program comes with three online lesson plansand curricula. 3D .STL printer files are available for free download.


ROBOMATTER provides "inexpensive resources for educators that use the motivational effects of robotics to excite students about Computer Science and STEM education." The site includes a wide variety of education products and curriculum for middle schools and high schools, and carreer and technical centers. Robomatter offers classes for both NXT and VEX training. "Camps-on-a-disk" has all the informaion you need to run a robotics camp. Their vision: "All students are technologically literate, mathematically competent, algorithmic thinkers that are confident about their future."


RobotShop is truly one-stop shopping for all your robotics education needs. This forward thinking powerhouse notes that "As technology evolves ever more quickly in all aspects of modern living, it is important that the next generation know as much as possible about design, electronics, programming and integration in order to stay competitive. This is why robotics is becoming increasingly important at all levels of education." RobotShop's offerings span preschool to graduate level, and include everything from curricula, exercises, challenges, training programs, competitions and professional development resources to wearable technology.


RoboThink is a premier STEM edu-tainment (education + entertainment) provider whose offerings are gaining popularity because of their innovative and effective project based K-9th grade robotics, coding, engineering and math curriculum. These programs nurture critical thinking, visual problem solving and fine motor skills, teamwork, communication skills, goal oriented persistence and process-oriented thinking and abstract thought.

Terradynamics Lab

Terradynamics Lab has produced a nice exigesis on principles of robotics legged locomotion.

USC K12 STEM Educational Materials

The University of Southern California (USC) is a national leader in the development of STEM education, and notes that "Studies show that it [robotics] is highly effective in developing team-work and self-confidence." This site is designed to help K12 and other educators develop and improve courses using robotics to teach STEM topics. It includes lesson plans and other resources such as teacher training workshops, public robotic contests and links to helpful websites.


VEX IQ is a robotics platform designed to transform STEM learning for young students and their teachers. Students can jump right in and snap robots together using this intuitive, toolless system. Free VEX IQ curriculum are available to educators to assist in teaching students the technical and creative thinking skills needed in today's ever more challenging world.


The VEX Robotics Design System is a platform for learning about areas rich with career opportunities that span not just science, technology, engineering and math, but far more. This system encourages teamwork, leadership and problem solving among groups. It allows educators to easily cusomize projects to meet students' abilities. It is felt by many to be more affordable and accessible than some of the competing offerings. The VEX platform is found in dozens of countries worldwide and appears to be the fastest growing robotics design system. It is found not just in schools at all levels, but in university labs around the globe, as it is an excellent prototyping tool. Hobbyists also appreciate the advanced capabilities of the VEX system, which includes multiple options in terms of microcontrollers, actuators and sensors.








STEM-based K-12 Robotics Curriculum

National Robotics Educational Foundation (NREF) is your one-stop destination to find out about the best robotics curriculum. Here you will find links to curricula developed by the best organizations in the world. You will find STEM-based students robotics learning resources.

Robotics and STEM are the keys to a great future for the students. STEM and especially robotics have become a huge part of the world we live in. It is already a huge part of different sectors including manufacturing, mining, transport, earth and space exploration, surgery, weaponry, laboratory research and more.

Students will gain from early exposure to robotics learning. Not just that, these robotic curriculums are important for the success of engineering professionals, and people in general. Most importantly, it helps in boosting STEM-based education in schools, education institutes and enthusiastic learners.

K-12 Robotics Curriculum

Robotics and STEM are a huge part of student robotics learning. NREF is a place where you will find links to resources to find K-12 robotics curriculum. Students can benefit from these programs. They are designed for students from kindergarten (K) and the 1st through the 12th grade.

Getting an early start can help students create a strong foundation. Additionally, it helps in promoting STEM-based education. It is a great way to interest students in Robotics And STEM.

NREF brings you a well-researched list of Robotics Curriculums from the best organizations. We strive to help learners get an easy access to robotics courses and programs.

Robotics And STEM

STEM and robotics are related in so many ways. STEM-based courses are a great way to help students learn robotics. With the right curriculum, course, and program, learners can have a great start.

NREF brings together robotics educators, students, hobbyists, and enthusiasts together in one place. We strive to help people get an easy access to information so that they can make an informed decision.

STEM-based education is the future of learning. It will provide students with unique opportunity to learn Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. It is a more focused learning method for students and learners.

Why Choose NREF

NREF promotes STEM-based learning for students from K to 12 grades. You will be learning from the world’s leading robotics organizations and platforms. These organizations specialize in providing well-researched and comprehensive robotics curriculum including NREF. STEM-based learning includes courses, workshops, competitions, research work, and more.

The aim is to promote STEM and robotics-based learning to help students make a successful career in the field. With the right resources, and support, students and learners of all types can benefit from it.

At NREF, we strive to make robotics learning more effective with an easy access to information and resources.

Don’t forget to check out the list of robotics websites for more information.


WTWH Media is a business-to-business integrated media company serving engineering, business and investment professionals through 40+ web sites, 5 print publications, along with many technical and business events. The “WTWH Network” includes the Robotics Network, the Life Science Network, the Design World Network, the Electronics Engineering and more.