Robotics Education Journal


News update by James Waterhouse, BBC. For Kyiv, the sight of Russia's Novocherkassk landing ship being hit in an air strike was a much-needed boost.


In past years, Peter Treble if Flitetest[dot]com set multiple records for the widest RC Airplane, the most motors on a single airframe, and many more. Last July at Flite Fest 2023 he set the record for the longest RC airplane ever.


On Tuesday, December 12, Tesla released a demo video showing the latest version of its prototype humanoid robot, Optimus Gen 2. It is a non-production prototype robot.


We’ve all seen toy and hobby-grade RC ornithopters efficiently flying under the control of an operator using an RC transmitter. And, of course, much larger, more sophisticated ornithopters that look like raptors have been developed to patrol airports to keep birds off of runways.


An MIT spinoff co-founded by robotics luminary Daniela Rus aims to build general-purpose AI systems powered by a relatively new type of AI model called a liquid neural network.


JHON is a Chinese provider of safety and security solutions for defense and protection. JHD5J3 is an integrated C-UAS system for detecting, identifying and disrupting unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) within a range of 5 kilometers.


What happens when you turn your computer over to an AI agent with no guardrails whatsoever? 


We live at a time when robots are multiplying exponentially, amidst an explosion of nano-electronics and AI technology, and one can rightfully say that these machines are all direct descendants of RC airplanes, cars and boats.


The Burevestnik cruise missile—known in Russia as the SSC-X-9 Skyfall—uses a miniature nuclear reactor as its power source to provide unlimited range.


A compelling video recently surfaced on Twitter that shows massive ongoing production of Russian First-Person View [FPV] drones in numbers exceeding thousands each day.


In 2017, German pilot Niels Herbrich flew his homemade remote-control plane at 465mph (Mach 0.62). Six years later, his speed record remains unbroken.


Testing is now underway on NASA's Dragonfly rotorcraft, a nuclear-powered, car-sized aerial drone that will look for potential precursors to life on Saturn's moon, Titan.


MouthPad is a Bluetooth mouse that fits inside a person's mouth and uses the tongue for cursor movement on a computer, phone, or tablet.


Aville, an educational branch of the Association for Uncrewed Systems International (AUVS) combines educational tools and courses, networking opportunities, corporate product data, industry research, career development and job opportunities as a resource for t


Tests involving a Switchblade-armed MARTAC Devil Ray T38 uncrewed surface vessel (USV) took place in the Persian Gulf in late October. A U.S. Navy drone speedboat armed with Switchblade 300 loitering munitions was able to successfully destroy multiple mock targets at sea.


Called "Eagle Eye," General Atomics' new "Gray Eagle" radar system can track and monitor small drones for destruction. The Gray Eagle 25M variant features open-architecture aircraft and ground systems, a more powerful engine, advanced data links, and extended range.


Robot Village is a leading provider of robots and robotics solutions for a wide range of industries, including commercial enterprises, educational institutions, and research organizations.


FlyingBasket’s FB3 is an all-electric multirotor platform that requires no disassembly and can be easily transported inside a van or trailer, ready to deploy at a moment’s notice.

10/22/2023 has reported that in a global first, an autonomous passenger drone has received safety and airworthiness approval and will soon launch commer


California-based defense technology firm Shield AI on Monday launched a new drone swarming capability called V-Bat Teams, one it hopes the Defense Department might use for programs such as its Replicator initiative.


After just 12 months of development, Figure has released video footage of its humanoid robot walking and notes that this prototype should be doing useful work in months, starting with easy jobs involving moving things around in a warehouse environment, and then


Sensiworm resembles an inchworm and is self-contained with on-board power, computing, and pressure resources. A remote operator can wirelessly control its movements and receive real-time feedback.


On 4 October, the Army announced its choice of the Kaman KARGO for a Heavy-Lift Vertical Take Off & Landing (HVTOL) drone capable of carrying supplies to troops in combat, the wounded to safety, or specialized sensor packages to perform reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and other roles.


The delta-wing drone design, perhaps most famously represented by the Iranian Shahed-136, is quickly evolving. Iranian and Russian militaries are continually upgrading the design.
